Board Certified Orthodontist, Orthodontic Dentist, Orthodontic Specialist, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Specialist, Orthodontics Doctor, Orthodontist
Examine, diagnose, and treat dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies. Design and fabricate appliances to realign teeth and jaws to produce and maintain normal function and to improve appearance.
- Diagnose teeth and jaw or other dental-facial abnormalities.
- Examine patients to assess abnormalities of jaw development, tooth position, and other dental-facial structures.
- Study diagnostic records, such as medical or dental histories, plaster models of the teeth, photos of a patient's face and teeth, and X-rays, to develop patient treatment plans.
- Fit dental appliances in patients' mouths to alter the position and relationship of teeth and jaws or to realign teeth.
- Adjust dental appliances to produce and maintain normal function.
- 积极倾听--全神贯注地倾听别人的发言,花时间理解别人的观点,酌情提问,不在不适当的时候打断别人的发言。
- 解决复杂问题--发现复杂问题并审查相关信息,以制定和评估备选方案并实施解 决方案。
- 批判性思维 - 使用逻辑和推理来确定其他解决方案、结论或解决问题方法的优缺点。
- 监测--监测/评估自己、其他个人或组织的绩效,以便做出改进或采取纠正措施。
- 演讲 - 与他人交谈,有效传递信息。